Australian CliMate Reference Library
Here you will find a range of documents, presentations and videos relating to the Australian CliMate.

Evaluation of CliMate (Starasts 2018)
Independent assessment of user experiences by Dr Ann Statarsts 2018

Green dates estimation
A note on using CliMatr to estimate "green dates"

CliMate analyses
Detail on the 10 analyses within CliMate

Understanding risk
A presentation on better underestanding risk using CliMate

Northern Australia risk analysis
Application of CliMate in risk analysys with examples for northern Australia

Using climate information
Factsheet from GRDC

Observations on decision support tools
Features of useful decision support tools

App description

Silo data source I
SILO is an enhanced climate database hosted by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science (DES). Silo's unique feature is that it provides continuous records of daily variables, well suited to use in models and decision support tools.
In order to create continuous long-term records, a series of algorithms are applied to infill data gaps.
Jeffrey, S.J., Carter, J.O., Moodie, K.B. and Beswick, A.R. 2001. Using spa- tial interpolation to construct a comprehensive archive of Australian climate data. Environ. Model. Software, 66, 309-30

Silo data source II
Methods note. S Jeffrey, 2006. Error analysis for the interpolation of monthly rainfall used in the generation of SILO rainfall datasets

Data sources III
High-quality spatial climate data-sets for Australia. Jones A., Wang W., Fawcett R. 2009 Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal 58: 233-248

Will It rain?
Effects of the Southern Oscillation and El Nino on Australia (4th edition 2017)

Drought case studies
Masters of the climate 2005

Howwet’s water balance model
Soil water model used in Howwet? analysis
Robinson JB Freebairn DM. 2016. Estimating changes in Plant Available Soil Water in broadacre cropping in Australia Proceedings of the 2017 Agronomy Australia Conference, 24 – 28 September 2016, Ballarat, Australia.

WUE north
Water Use Efficiency Factsheet (GRDC northern region)
Increasing the amount of water stored in fallows is an important strategy in managing the risks associated with highly variable rainfall in the northern region to improve water use efficiency and potential crop yields. 2009

WUE south & west
Water Use Efficiency Factsheet (GRDC south and West regions)
Increasing the amount of water stored in fallows is an important strategy in managing the risks associated with highly variable rainfall in the northern region to improve water use efficiency and potential crop yields. 2009

Green dates estimation
Green dates calulator