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How's the Season?

Rain, temperature, radiation
Track the current season's progress compared to past seasons.
How Often?

Rainfall, temperature, radiation, heat sum, risk assessment
Explore probabilities of future rainfall and temperature events based on past seasons.
How Wet/Nitrate?

Soil water & nitrate
Assess how soil water and nitrate have changed over the current fallow season.
Yield Potential?

crop yield
Yield potential based on water supply (soil water + in_crop rain) and water use efficiency.

Drought, percentiles, rainfall deficit, residence period
Drought? provides a monthly update of drought status using the Drought Percentile Method.
How Hot/Cold?

Cold & heat stress
Assess the chance of heat-stress and cold-stress events for any day of the year.
How's the Past?

Rain, temperature & radiation
Review historical monthly and annual rainfall, temperature and solar radiation patterns.
What Trend?

rainfall, temperature, solar radiation
Explore trends in meteorological data over different periods in recent history (1900 onwards)..